Get your child to

cooperate without yelling,

nagging, threatening, or bribing.

FREE Guide


Tired of feeling ignored, hearing “no”, meltdowns when you ask your child to do something?
It can be so frustrating to gain our child’s cooperation. It can leave us:

  • Questioning our parenting approach

  • Unsure of what to do differently

  • Feeling like yelling is the only way to get their attention

  • Consequences and punishments are all that work but don’t feel good and kids keep misbehaving

  • Tired and frustrated


I know how you feel

I was a burnt-out, overwhelmed, confused and angry mom to 2 young boys.  All of which only made my kid’s behaviour worse...and left me feeling like a failure.

I needed to find a new way to parent. 

A way to stop the yelling.

A way to stop the chaos.

About Me

Hi! I’m Jenn. I’m The Cycle Breaker and founder of Your Transformed Family.

I’m a Master Certified Parent Coach, trained in Nonviolent Communication and Emotion Focused Family Therapy.

Most importantly, I have over 12 years hands on experience raising a highly sensitive 12 year old and strong-willed 10 year old. I’ve helped hundreds of families around the world break cycles of anger, frustration and guilt to parent with calm, confidence and ease.

Are you ready to do the same?

Download your FREE guide today!

  • Learn to go beneath your child’s behaviour to understand their unmet need.

  • 5 proven strategies to get cooperation without yelling, nagging, threatening or bribing.

What are you waiting for? End the frustration and find more joy in your parenting.