Upcoming workshops & events
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“The Anxious Generation” by Jonathan Haidt Book Discussion (evening session)
We can support each other when we stick together. Let’s come together and discuss the findings and recommendations from “The Anxious Generation”. The technology is designed to be addictive and so our kids need our help to manage it.

“The Anxious Generation” by Jonathan Haidt Book Discussion
We can support each other when we stick together. Let’s come together and discuss the findings and recommendations from “The Anxious Generation”. The technology is designed to be addictive and so our kids need our help to manage it.

Summer Survival Guide
The weather may be getting warmer and excitement may be rising but perhaps also the worry of how to juggle your work commitments and the kiddos this summer is stressing you out. Learn simple and practical strategies to feel more calm, confident and connected this summer.

How to Get Your Kids to Cooperate…no yelling, nagging, threats or bribes.
Stop yelling, nagging, using threats or bribes to get your kids to cooperate. Learn a 4-step proven process to cooperation.

Empowered Parenting
In this workshop, we’ll explore the secret to parenting with confidence, ease and connection as well as how to use the power of your breath to go from chaos to calm in your parenting and life.

Calm & Confident Parenting: Tips for staying in control
Parenting is hard and the stress of raising a child can take a toll. We all have a breaking point and can find ourselves enraged alongside our child and partner. If you can relate, then this workshop is for you.

Sibling Dynamics
Let’s be honest, having a sibling can be tough. Struggles with conflict, comparisons, jealously to name a few. It can leave us feeling like our kids will never get along or unsure of how to foster a healthy sibling relationship. You don’t want to miss this workshop!

Sibling Dynamics
Let’s be honest, having a sibling can be tough. Struggles with conflict, comparisons, jealously to name a few. It can leave us feeling like our kids will never get along or unsure of how to foster a healthy sibling relationship. You don’t want to miss this workshop!

Losing & Rediscovering Yourself after Motherhood
Interactive discussion on many aspects of mother/parenthood, including surprises with the transition to motherhood, integrating your new family/work lives, and how to find your new rhythm when returning to work.

End the power struggles
End the power struggles with your kids and learn 3 simple things to feel more confident in your parenting.

Stop storming alongside your child
Parenting is hard. The stress can take a toll. From your toddler losing it over the blue cup instead of the orange cup, a child home from school sick and extra whiny, making dinner after dinner that kids won't eat. You wanted some time to yourself to workout but you hit snooze instead.
We all have a breaking point and then boom we find ourselves storming alongside our child. Then queue the guilt, regret and feeling of hopelessness.
You are not alone and you are NOT a bad parent. All parents lose it sometimes and support along the way can make a huge difference.

Parent & Kids Yoga
Parenting is one of the hardest jobs we will ever have. Our kids don’t come with an instruction manual. You may want to parent differently but don’t know how or what approach you should use. This 3 part series workshop will show you how to build a strong relationship with your child (age 5-12).

Afterglow Mothering Workshop
Mothering: reparenting yourself, so you can be a better mother to your child.