June 23rd 6-7pm PST

April 8th at 8pm EST

Tired of feeling ignored, hearing “no”, meltdowns when you ask your child to do something?
It can be so frustrating to gain our child’s cooperation. It can leave us:

  • Questioning our parenting approach

  • Unsure of what to do differently

  • Feeling like yelling is the only way to get their attention

  • Consequences and punishments are all that work but don’t feel good and kids keep misbehaving

  • Tired and frustrated


I know how you feel

I was a burnt-out, overwhelmed, confused and angry mom to 2 young boys.  All of which only made my kid’s behaviour worse...and left me feeling like a failure.

I needed to find a new way to parent. 

A way to stop the yelling.

A way to stop the chaos.


What you will get:

FREE 1 -hour LIVE training/workshop

  • Learn a simple 4-step proven process to cooperation

  • You'll walk away with actionable steps you can start RIGHT AWAY to get your kids to cooperate

  • Downloadable tools

  • Access to replay of workshop

Save the date: June 23rd, 2021 at 6-7 pm PST



As a former dominant parent, I learned to become a peaceful parent and I am dedicated to helping other parents find their way too!


When I applied the tools that I now teach, my children’s behaviour improved.
When I learned to look at my children from the lens of little humans trying to get their needs met, and I used a calm and compassionate approach to misbehaviour , my children:

  1. Argue less

  2. Cooperate more

  3. Fight Less


Our family went from chaos to calm.  My confidence as a parent soared. 

Today, I work with parents from around the world to help them move from chaos to calm and feel more confident in their parenting.

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It’s time for you to end the frustration and guilt and learn to get your kids cooperation the 1st time, without yelling.

Yes you read right, the 1st time AND without yelling.

Just imagine…

A home with no yelling


A stronger relationship with your child(ren)


Go from anger and frustration to peace and calm in your parenting.


Growing amazing humans together!

What parents are saying.


“Parenting is the most rewarding yet challenging role one can take on because it calls upon your true authentic self to be your children’s guide. Jennifer has been amazing at helping me get in touch with my authenticity so that I can parent with intention. Her calm, insightful approach has given me the confidence I needed to dig deep, make positive changes in our family life and become a more conscious parent. Thank you for your guidance, Jennifer!”

— Caroline, mom of 2

“I am a father of two daughter: one is almost five and one is six months old. Because of the pandemic, we were forced to stay at home and hold virtual classes for my elder daughter, Nina. This caused a lot of stress for me and my wife because of our busy schedules and led to several fights. After having a consultation with Jenn, I saw the potential of what her coaching programme can offer me. Keeping an open mind, I gave it a go to see if it can help. After two weeks, the house has become a very peaceful place, and this is in spite of my wife and me getting busier over this period. With Jenn, I learned to reflect hard on my own behaviour with Nina and how a lot of the negativity was based on how I was treated in my early childhood when my parents were very stressed (which was very often). Having a peaceful home is a blessing and I can’t thank Jenn’s guidance enough.

— Basil, dad of 2

“Jenn is the kind of person you can simultaneously laugh and cry with. She is fun and energetic while being kind and compassionate. She helped me reframe my own inner dialogue and gave me the tools I need to be a peaceful parent. Jenn is very knowledgeable and I am so thankful I had the chance to work with her!”

— Carley, mom of 3


This can be your family too!

About Me

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Hi! I’m Jenn and I’m the founder of Your Transformed Family. I’m also the mom of 2 boys, ages 8 & 6.

I have over 8 years of experience and training and a graduate of the world’s leading institute for parent coaching, The Jai Institute.

As a certified parent coach, I guide families around the world to end the frustration, guilt and chaos and find more peace, calm and connection in their parenting.

Register for the FREE webinar

June 23rd, 2021 at 6-7 pm PST

  • 1 hour LIVE training/workshop

  • Learn a simple 4-step proven process to cooperation

  • You'll walk away with actionable steps you can start RIGHT AWAY to get your kids to cooperate

  • Downloadable tools

  • Access to replay of workshop