Rethinking New Year’s Resolutions: A Guide to Purposeful Parenting in 2024
Peaceful Parenting Blog Jennifer Abbatiello Peaceful Parenting Blog Jennifer Abbatiello

Rethinking New Year’s Resolutions: A Guide to Purposeful Parenting in 2024

Are New Year’s resolutions a good idea or a bad idea? Let’s just say they are very popular but also very hard to keep. Up to 80% of people that make resolutions fail within the first few weeks. So it begs the question is there even a point in setting them? Especially as busy parents, it could be just yet another item on the never ending “to do” list and makes you feel like your failing if you don’t stick to it. Read on for a different approach to resolutions and how to be more intentional in your life and parenting in 2024.

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Staying sane with Halloween candy
Peaceful Parenting Blog Jennifer Abbatiello Peaceful Parenting Blog Jennifer Abbatiello

Staying sane with Halloween candy

Are you looking forward to celebrating Halloween with your child but stressed about all the candy? If healthy eating is important to you and your family it makes sense that you would worry about how much candy they eat.

There is so much fear around candy: it will cause cavities, our kids will experience a sugar high and then crash, it’s unhealthy - artificial colors, TBHQ, titanium dioxide. It all sounds so scary but stay with me.

Check out my top 7 tips for staying sane with Halloween candy

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7 Common Parenting Challenges
Peaceful Parenting Blog Jennifer Abbatiello Peaceful Parenting Blog Jennifer Abbatiello

7 Common Parenting Challenges

Being a parent is hard, stressful and can be overwhelming with all the different advice out there. We are human and we ALL make mistakes. Be gentle on yourself and when you do mess up, as well all do, focus on repair.

To help you out, I have put together the most common parenting challenges and tips on how to overcome them so you can parent with confidence and joy!

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