Understand Why Your Child Misbehaves
Navigating how to manage a child’s challenging behaviour is difficult for many parents, but understanding why a kid behaves the way that they do might be just as or even more of an issue. Do you ever feel like there’s no rhyme nor reason when your little darling decides they would rather act up than listen?
Check out this blog to get a better understanding of what might be going on for your child.
17 Playful Parenting Hacks for When Your Too Tired To Play
I sometimes wish I had the amount of energy my kids do. Can you relate? It's great for them but can be hard as a parent when we are exhausted with all the things.
Here I will share lots of ways to play with your kids, no matter their age, even when you are exhausted.
3 Steps to Setting & Holding Boundaries
Do you sometimes feel that the only way to get cooperation is with rewards or punishment? I know I used to think that and many of the families I work with want to be peaceful parents but aren’t sure how to get cooperation without using rewards and punishments. Check out my 3 tips for setting and holding limits that stick.
End the mom guilt & focus on repair instead
Do you struggle with mom guilt? Beating yourself up when you aren’t as patient with your kid(s) as you would have liked, yelled instead of keeping your cool?
So many of us struggle with the need to be perfect and then feel like we are failing when we don’t live up to our own unrealistic expectations.
That’s what happened to me the other day and I wanted to share it because parenting isn’t about being perfect but the journey and practice, practice, practice.
15 ways to say “no”, without saying “no”
The word “no” triggers a power struggle. There is already a winner and a loser. Learn 10+ ways of saying “no”, without saying “no” and get more cooperation.
4 Tips to Help Your Child Adjust to Time Change
Though I am excited for warmer weather, I hate how the “spring forward/fall back” time changes messes with everyone’s schedule.
My Top 10 Favourite Parenting Books
The amount of parenting information can be overwhelming. Check out my top 10 parenting books to find one that is right for you.
Are you inadvertently killing your child’s intrinsic motivation?
Do you feel that threatening or bribing is the only way to get your child to do anything? Find 6 tips on moving away from rewards and punishments as well as why you should, not only for your child but for yourself!
Becoming a parent is like having an identity crisis
The power of holding space
Accepting all feelings. Sometimes the most loving thing you can do with your child is sit with them through their hurt instead of solving their problem
From not wanting children, to parent coach
My entry into motherhood was not smooth but that is exactly why I am here to support you along yours.